They are running. I mean, we. It's true that nothing will happen if we will just rant. The nurses are moving forward.
the movement's general plan of action are as follows:
Advocate for the implementation of Republic Act 9173's "Salary Grade 15" for nurses working in the country. It shall secure the proper treatment and remuneration of nurses.
Uphold the working conditions of nurses here and abroad.
Monitor and implement an effective and efficient program of the Philippine Health Care Delivery System.
Encourage and motivate nurses to become politically and socially responsible.
There have been issues on whom will run. Most of the people in the forum are not favor of letting the doctors-turned-nurses take the seat. I believe so. They have not really experience being demoralized when applying for work in the hospital. Most of the doctors-turned nurses are well-off, who can easily pay for the experience. Part of the it's plan is to let the nurses take over the work of the midwives in the community and lying-in clinics. The movement also planned to have a concrete time frame for volunteers in rendering free participation in an institution. They want to make sure that the volunteer nurses are very well taken care of and should also receive benefits from the institution that accepts such exertion. It's actually a promising idea. The movement still needs 1.5 million votes for this have 2 seats in the Congress.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Nars Partylist
Posted by pilbag at 9:21 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
The Vital Importance of Teaching you Children at Home
From: Ezine Articles
It will really help if I will always be reminded of such parenting stuff.
Parents often put considerable effort into selecting the right school for their children, and make huge sacrifices to save enough money to send their children to college, because they know that a good education is one of the best ways of ensuring a successful career and a secure and happy adult life for their children. In many cases however focusing on school and college leads to parents neglecting another critically important element of a child's education - teaching your children at home.
Normal family life gives parents dozens of opportunities to teach children things that they will find both interesting and helpful as the grow up and, although both parents are busy people with careers of their own in many families today, you'll be surprised at just how easy it is to find time for your children if you organize your daily schedule.
Teaching children at home is not a matter of sitting down with them in a formal 'school-like' setting but requires you to look at everyday activities and use these to provide your teaching materials. Teaching children at home doesn't need be boring either and, if tackled correctly, can be great fun for both parents and children.
One secret lies in thinking about what you're doing and the extent to which your children understand your activity. For example, how many times have you rushed home from work to get in ahead of your kids from school and then sat them down in front of the television while you prepare supper? What are the thought processes going through your mind? You've had a hard day and all you want to do is sit down and relax but first you've got to feed the kids, so you get them out from underfoot so that you can get on quickly, get them fed and then finally relax.
Many thousands of parents do this every day and everyone misses out as a result. Why not try doing things differently.
First, you can start by getting the kids to help with preparing supper instead of sitting glued to a mindless box. Sending your kids out into the world knowing how to boil an egg and make toast and not a lot else isn't much help, but getting them interested in cooking will provide them with a much needed life skill.
Second, it gives both you and the kids the opportunity to talk - something that is lacking in far too many households. Letting your kids tell you about their successes and failures at school, simply listening to what's on their minds and letting them question you about your own experiences and ask for your advice is invaluable for both parent and kids. In addition, you'll be surprised at the number of problems you can avoid simply by knowing what your kids are doing, what they're thinking and how they're feeling.
Thirdly, it's the best way to relax! Relaxation after a long hard day at work doesn't mean flopping down on the couch for an hour or two, it simply means giving yourself a change of scene. Putting your working day behind you and enjoying the company of your kids is one of the very best ways to unwind after a long hard day at work.
There are literally hundred of examples of things which we do every day at home that can be turned into valuable teaching lessons, helping your children to develop and grow and allowing everyone to enjoy themselves at the same time.
Teaching is not just for the school teachers and there is a great deal of value for everybody concerned in teaching children at home.
Posted by pilbag at 11:44 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 20, 2009
Pacquiao Parade
Traffic along the streets of Espana and Quiapo on top of the scorching heat knocked me out as I made my way to Pedro Gil awhile ago. Thousands of Pacquiao's eager followers filled the streets to show their applause for the Filipino boxing sensation whose latest conquest of Miguel Cotto earned him a niche in history with seven world titles to his name in as many weight divisions. Pretty awesome!
Students and employees went out of their offices to compliment the champ. While some of the employees were overenthusiastic, I heard a shout from one of the Paulinians. The girl yelled "Babaero ka Manny!" Given how popular he is, he can't really escape from detractors focusing on his personal life. But we can't deny, he is a modern hero in the country today.
Pacquiao was seen surrounded by his security staff while riding at the back of a white pickup, which was draped with Philippine flags. He was with his wife and other people that I am not familiar with. I easily recognized ex-mayor Lito Atienza by his colorful polo shirt as always. But when Manny turned around, my eyes twinkled. I was hurriedly walking to meet my friend in Rob Manila when I just stopped and to take a picture of that moment. I don't always see celebrities. I don't recognize them most of the time when I roam around. That's probably how they describe the feeling of being startrucked.
He is the only septuple world champion in boxing history. Manny is the first boxer to win seven world titles in seven different weight divisions. In addition, he is the only boxer to win the lineal championship ("the man who beat the man") in four different weight classes. Aside from being a boxer, he has participated in politics, acting, filmmaking, and music recording. He really deserved this kind of hero's welcome. Amazing!
Posted by pilbag at 8:39 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 13, 2009
Bum bum bi bum
A tramp travels without working; a bum does not travel or work. I'm a bum. I stopped caring about going to the hospital. I don't have any reason to go their anymore after I was informed that we will not be given a certificate for the training. What for? For allowance that is half the amount given by my father? I grew old flying from QC to Makati every morning. I'm tired of the back-fence talk. Everytime I walk outside the station they start firing like they can't think of any good thing to talk about. I got tired of making excuses just so I can take a leave from work. It's not fair to only have one day of rest in a week. We do all the backbreaking work. Going upstairs and down to the pharmacy, ER, laboratory and billing deprived of using the elevator. Ofcourse it's our option to use the elevator, but if the chief nurse is around we are prohibited. They need to do a complete modification of their policies. Trainees like us should be trained not for the pet expo but for us to be a competent and independent nurse. I can rant all night but actually it's not really worth talking about. At present, I devote my time finding ways how to get employment abroad. I've been to different agencies. Some are desperately in need of income, they ask clients to forge an employment certificate. Like at the end of one's rope, I did it. I bought one. It's not a good thing to be proud of but it's favored by the desperate. It's been a week now I'm lovin the house already. Lovin' waking up on the wrong side of the bed. I've been contemplating on the best thing to do lately. My friend said it will not help if I will feel guilty and pressured. Down-and-out on Christmas day is not an option. It's just around the corner and I am not getting any younger either. This is so stressful. I hope to clear my end after this weekend with my lalab.
Posted by pilbag at 7:53 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 5, 2009
To listen to music before going out of the house, and having the last song you hear before leaving stick in your head all through your journey, and beyond is usually accompanied by subconscious humming. This syndrome is particularly dangerous when the song happens to be the most pathetic, crappy, albeit catchy song ever.
But this song is actually not bad. It has an impact on me (not that deep) that I don't want to brag about. This has been my LSS for the past 3 days. Oh Crap!
Lady GaGa
Paparazzi lyrics
Songwriters: Fusari, Rob; Germanotta, Stefani
We are the crowd,
we’re quick coming out,
got that flash on you take the picture of you its so magical.
we’d be so fantastical,
leather and jeans a watch on my wrist, not sure what it means,
but this photo of us it don`t have no trace,
ready for those flashing lights, Cause you know that baby I
Im your biggest fan I’ll follow you until you love me papa-paparazzi,
baby there’s no other superstar that know that I’ll be papa-paparazzi
promise I’ll be kind, but I won’t stop until that boy is mine
baby you’ll be famous chase you down until you love me papa-paparazzi
I’ll be a girl backstage at your show,
oh the ropes and guitars,
Yeah cause you’ll know Im styling between the sets,
I light up your cigarettes,
shadow is broked, ????????, my lashes are dry,
but when you touch that ???? don’t rub a trace,
loving you is killing me cause you know that baby I
Im your biggest fan I’ll follow you until you love me papa-paparazzi,
baby there’s no other superstar you know that I’ll be papa-paparazzi
promise I’ll be kind, but I won’t stop until that boy is mine
baby you’ll be famous chase you down until you love me papa-paparazzi
we’re gold(we’re dancing in the studio)
snap snap(that shit on the radio)
don’t stop( let it rewind)
Im your biggest fan I’ll follow you until you love me papa-paparazzi,
baby there’s no other superstar you know that I’ll be papa-paparazzi
promis I’ll be kind, but i won’t stop until that boy is mine
baby you’ll be famous chase you down until you love me papa-paparazzi
Posted by pilbag at 11:45 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 2, 2009
All Saint's Day
It's not missing. I did not post anything for the month of October. Because of the catastrophic Ondoy, our landline and internet connection developed into an irreparable mess. We decided to just terminate the service then switch to another isp. Still trying to get a new landline, I hope to be back on business soon.
This is actually a delayed post. I ease off yesterday after spending the weekend at my bestfriend's place in Bulacan. This is about my favorite saints. The annual celebration of the Feast of La Naval de Manila was celebrated last month in Sto. Domingo church. A venerated image of Our Lady of La Naval was the center of the procession and mass. The images of the different saints can also be seen in the line-up. Here are some of the stills..
Part of my catholic life is my devotion to the lives of saints. They call it hagiography. They say imitation of the life of Christ then was the benchmark against which saints were measured, and imitation of the lives of saints was the benchmark against which the general population measured itself. I grew up wondering how do these people pass the stardards of holiness. Originally, individuals were recognized as saints without any formal process, how true that these saints will go to heaven after being canonized? I don't want to explore anything about canonization at the moment. From a person who spent her school-age days in a catholic school, I can give you a brief background.
Pope John Paul II's apostolic constitution Divinus Perfectionis Magister of 25 January 1983, and the norms issued by the Congregation for the Causes of Saints on 7 February 1983, for its implementation on diocesan level continued the work of simplification already initiated by Pope Paul VI.
"Servant of God" The process leading towards canonization begins at the diocesan level. A bishop with jurisdiction—usually the bishop of the place where the candidate died or is buried. This investigation may open no sooner than five years after the death of the person being investigated. Normally, a guild or organization to promote the cause of the candidate's sainthood is created, an exhaustive search of the candidate's writings, speeches and sermons is undertaken, a detailed biography is written and eyewitness accounts are gathered. When sufficient information has been gathered, the investigation of the candidate, who is called "Servant of God", is presented by the local bishop to the Roman Curia—the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints—where it is assigned a postulator, whose task is to gather further information about the life of the Servant of God. Religious orders who regularly deal with the congregation often have their own designated postulator generals.
"Declaration 'Non Cultus'" At some point, permission is then granted for the body of the Servant of God to be exhumed and examined, a certification ("non cultus") that no superstitious or heretical worship or improper cult has grown up around the servant or his or her tomb is made, and relics are taken.
"Venerable/Heroic in Virtue" When enough information has been gathered, the congregation will recommend to the pope that he make a proclamation of the Servant of God's heroic virtue (that is, that the servant exhibited the theological virtues of faith, hope and charity, and the cardinal virtues of prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance, to an heroic degree). From this point the one said to be "heroic in virtue" is referred to by the title "Venerable". A Venerable has as of yet no feast day, no churches may be built in his or her honor, and the church has made no statement on the person's probable or certain presence in heaven, but prayer cards and other materials may be printed to encourage the faithful to pray for a miracle wrought by his or her intercession as a sign of God's will that the person be canonized.
"Blessed" Beatification is a statement by the church that it is "worthy of belief" that the person is in heaven, having come to salvation. This step depends on whether the Venerable is a martyr or a "confessor".
"Saint" To be canonized a saint, one (or more) miracle is necessary. Canonization is a statement by the church that the person certainly enjoys the Beatific Vision. The saint is assigned a feast day which may be celebrated anywhere within the Catholic Church, although it may or may not appear on the general calendar or local calendars as an obligatory feast, parish churches may be built in his or her honor, and the faithful may freely and without restriction celebrate and honor the saint. I live in Saint Lawrence St. I work in St. Clare Medical Center. Is it a sign of something to come? hehe
Posted by pilbag at 6:24 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
I will miss y'all
During the past few months, empty stations are the standard lay-out in the office. The agents are not motivated anymore probably because our salaries are fixed and not according to our accomplishments. Some people complain about the poor management. Others complain about the strict command for policy compliance. I can't explain it. We latterly sort to finding a second job for back up source of income. I've been embracing this way of life for quite sometime now. To think about it is exhausting. I am guilty for being delinquent too. I just don't think it's worth the effort anymore.
Today is my last day at work. Though problems in the office drain my motivation at work, I will really miss the people who became a part of my life here. Thank you guys for the memories :)
I'd like to share an article shared to me by my friend: - Give Gratitude a Chance
Give Gratitude a Chance
By Francis Kong
Trouble. There’s always trouble.
That’s what the work place is all about. You deal with trouble all the time.
Difficult customers, backbiting office mates, unreasonable bosses, fighting fires all the time. Sucks your energy and makes you feel like you are being punished for something you did not do. But pause for a while. Take a deep breadth. And take time to look at it the way business consultant Robert Updegraff sees it. Updegraff says: “You ought to be glad for the troubles on your job because they provide about half your income. If it were not for the things that go wrong, the difficult people with whom you deal, and the problems of your working day, someone could be found to handle your job for half of what you are being paid. So start looking for more troubles. Learn to handle them cheerfully and with good judgment, as opportunities rather than irritations, and you will find yourself getting ahead at a surprising rate. For there are plenty of big jobs waiting for people who are not afraid of troubles.
If you look long enough and hard enough, you will always find something to bellyache about. Some people complain all the time it is as if complaining is their chief purpose in life and they think they can get rewarded by doing it. Maybe… it is because they have not given gratitude a chance.
Gratitude is always an option. The great Bible commentator Mathew Henry inspires us with his words because Henry made gratitude his option. When the famous scholar was robbed and his possessions forcibly removed from him, he wrote this in his diary: “Let me be thankful first, because I was never robbed before; second, because, although they took my purse, they did not take my life; third, although they took my all, it was not much and fourthly, because it was I who was robbed, not I who robbed.”
Gratitude should be your option.
Thankfulness should be your default emotion and pretty soon you will be giving thanks, learning from and growing in character as a result of the problems and challenges of the situation.
So, here is my take on this.
* Somebody backbiting you? You must be doing something right in order for some people to be doing something wrong against you. Be thankful.
* Somebody sending anonymous text messages spreading false lies against you? You must be famous because this is what celebrities and well know personalities eat for breakfast every day. Smile. You’re famous!
* Somebody sending anonymous mail or brown envelopes to important people everywhere containing documents with trump up charges against you? Wow! You must be doing something effective so that some people would go to the length of doing such cowardly things. Be grateful!
You should be grateful you are not the one doing the wrongs against anyone, you are not the one sending text messages and sending mail maligning people.
So chill out. Focus on what you do and let the Eternal One who sees everything and knows everything keep score. Meanwhile, allow trouble and challenges in your life to transform you into a better person. Stronger in character, more compassionate in dealing with erring people and draw closer to God who is your Rock and your Refuge.
Give gratitude a chance and be amazed at what it can do for you!
Posted by pilbag at 2:10 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 28, 2009
The Aftermath
These are the sites that hit me, when I walked along our subdivision going home:
People who are not used to this kind of tragedy were petrified. I was pretty blown away by the experience. Nevertheless, when I saw my family the day after I knew everything will be A-Ok. Our house was accustomed to abuse, despoil and ravish. It's also a place where fun starts. It was the ultimate tambayan when I was in high school. From people wearing elegant gowns to fortuneless relations entered our house. Been robbed, vomited, swamped, name it. I love our home. We gathered in my room upstairs laughing out shock sharing different stories. My brother Patrick was stranded at the Elco bldg 2nd floor. Their dean rode a floating device to give them food. He told us that the squatters near-by broke into the convenience store situated beside the hospital due to hunger. My father did not leave our van in Puregold. He stayed awake all night anxious. My brother Karlo was with our house help Jaycel and Gio inside the house when the water came in. It was rising one inch every minute. Good thing he managed to buoy up the sack of rice and other foodstuff. They were able to watch the most dragging scene. He told us neighbors surrounding us were calling out for help on his birthday. Yes, it was his birthday last Saturday I forgot to mention. I undertood his devastation.
Looking on the bright side. If our furnitures were saved, it will take a long time before that can be replaced. It actually came in the right timing. Our house was scheduled to be renovated this October or November. I was overwhelmed by the blessing. Though I feel really sorry for the people who lost their houses and other important belongings. Come to think of it; We should be greatful that we are still alive and fighting. I believe that everything happens for a reason. Lessons are usually anticipated during the aftermath.
Posted by pilbag at 9:30 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 25, 2009
Inbox Cleaning
My inbox is 95% full. We are all guilty of saving old messages from someone who became really special in our lives. I need to delete old messages but I hate to let go of the memorable ones. So just to have a hold on those memorable quotes and messages, I just posted it here.
Hidden messages behind pinoy expressions:
"MWAH" i luv u"
"LA LANG" miss na kita
"HAY NAKU" seryoso aku!
"INGAT KA LAGI" mahalaga ka saken
"MUSTA NA?" namiss mo ko?
"BAGAY KAU" mas bagay tayo
"SECRET" ikaw! oo ikaw!
"MAY PROBLEMA?" andito lang ako
"KAU PARIN BA?" sana aku nman"
GRABE HA" selos aku ;(
"AH OK" ayoko ng ginagawa mu?
"BC KA BA?" usap naman tau miss na kita
"BYE" tigilan mko
-received March 18, 2007 3:03am
-I'm a guilty-user of these words hehe
Somethings are not meant to be kept forever...
You know you have to stop and let go when things aren't going right, and everything you did is unappreciated..
Remember. It is wiser to be alone but happy than with somebody who do nothing while you do everything.
-received March 18, 2007 5:58am
para sa nagsasabing ang mga nurses ay mukang pera..
Money is not enough for our presence for dying patients.
Money cannot buy our dignity in washing pwets of old patients.
Money cannot change the pain we felt for the blame when we inform the death of a patient.
No one can pay us for the pain we had when doctors shout at us during operations.
And we spent hundred thousands of pesos to study and later will be paid less.
-received NOv. 20, 2008 10:10am
Inday nung 9 year old pa lang.
Nanay: anak, paglaki mu anung gusto mong maging?
Inday: marami po nay e
Nanay: ano ba un?
Inday: when i grow up, i wanna be famous, i wanna be a star, i wanna have movies. when i grow up, i wanna see the world, drive nice cars, i wanna hav groupies. when i grow up b on tv, pipol know me be on magazines..
Nanay: But be careful what you wish for coz u just might get it. just might get it. just might get it. -received NOv 23,2008 5:51pm hehehe
Sa kahit anu pang view,
-received NOv 23,2008 7:18pm (nakabitag din itong banat na to. i have to let go of this)
If people have to leave us in one way or another. It would be best if they do it 100% lie-free & just slap the truth in our faces. We all do deserve something better than just lame excuses because lies in all sort do make us appear stupid
-received Nov. 24,2009 12:31pm
Always look over the little details of your life.
Like child's laughter.
A friend's hug or a stranger's smile.
To love someone or to be loved by someone. Enjoy them.
They may be small, but when you look back in your life,
You will realize that those are the things that made your life colorful and worth living for.
-received Nov 24,2008 12:42pm
Never be assured that love is enough 2 make someone stay or comeback to you. Because when pain strikes the heart, love fades no matter how great it was.
- received Nov 28,2008 11:21am
The loveliest days are when you wake up to find to find that love still colors your world through people who truly care and never fail to forget you.
-received NOv 28,2009 4:33pm
In love, it would be nice to meet someone who can afford to take millions of chances. BUt still holds on to the first one.
-received Nov. 29,2008 2:06am
if I don't call you (it's because i'm waiting for you to call me)
when i walk away from u im mad (follow me)
when i stare at your mouth (kiss me)
when i push or jit (hug me and don't let go)
when i'm quiet (ask me what's wrong)
when i ignore you (give me your attention)
when i pull away (pull me back)
when u c me @ my worst (tell me i'm beautiful)
when i'm crying (hold me and tell me everything will be alrught)
...kung walang babae, walang maarte
-received Dec 3,2008 8:53am
Your value in God's eyes never changes no matter how many times you fail Him. Nothing you do will ever cause God to love you less.
-received Dec 5,2008 10:38am
In life, what matters is...
Not what you bought, but what you built.
Not what you got, but what you shared.
Not your success, but your significance.
Not what you learned, but what you taught.
Not your competence, but your character.
NOt how long you will be remembered, but by whom & for what?
Live a life that matters, that cares, that loves.Make the most out of it.
-received Dec 15,2008 5:43pm
Guys salamat! ingat kyo. kita kits ulet next tym! mahal ko kyo! - totu
-received Dec 22,2008 3:00am
"kung matatakot kang harapin ang totoo at sabihin ang talagang nararamdaman mo dahil baka masaktan ka..isa lang ang ibig sabihin nun, ipinagkait mo na sa sarili mo ang pagiging masaya at kinarir mo na ang magpakatanga.." - Bob Ong
-received Dec. 31,2008 4:24am
I luv you
-received Jan 1,2008 12:17am
Inaasahan q s apt ka ddretso after shift mo..d nga pla kita inimbita..nkainom kna..gabi pa sna kami mgkikita nina jill ngaun..sori..luv mo tlaga aq kc u dnt giv up on me kh8 ang dami kng pgkukulng..halos s lahat ng bagay..enjoy nlng tau.
-received Jan 1,2009 4:38pm
Sori 4 d l8 reply..mhina think about 8..pero d q alam magging takbo kung wla ka..take a rest..
-received Jan 1,2009 8:05pm
dud dnt evr think n tnturn down kita. tandaaan m khit cnu man ang nkkasama natin sa panahon na kylangan natin ang isat isa d porke wla aq sa tbi m ng mga pnahon na un ay iniwan na kta. ksma ka plge s mga pnalangin always here 4u kc lab kita.
-received Jan 3, 2009 9:11pm
inubos nla gio tska patrick ung tinapay kninang umaga..baon tuloy ni gio,pwet.
-received Jan 13,2009 3:22pm (what he meant was pwet ng tasty bread lol)
"lahat nman ng tao sumeseryoso pg tinamaan ng totoong pagmamahal, yun nga lang, hindi lahat matibay para sa temptasyon"-bob ong
-received Jan 13,2009 4:52pm
Yeah, take care mahal..luv u.
-received Jan 15,2009 5:48am
Tyang ingat k ha,dnt 4get our pasalubong. hehehe
-received Jan 15,2009 10:52am (when I arrived at Naga airport)
Mahal, churi now lng reply nsa mrt n q...ngmmdali nnman..hehe naiinggit aq sau kc gus2 q rn ang mga ginagawa nyo jan...mwah2
-received Jan 18,2009 8:27pm
Kw lng gus2 qng pasalubong mahal...
- received Jan 19,2009 2:41pm
It feels so good to have someone who knows how weak and stupid you are at times, yet still finds you amazing simply because they love you.
-received Jan 23,2009 11:18am
Im gna mis u. Luv u. C u agen sumday. -deejay
-received Jan 25,2009 7:08am
How are you, Cameron? grabe ngcross kc sa utak ko ung colej life ntin, ung puro iyakan at pugto ng mata, hehe mis kita..
-received Jan 28, 2009 1:58am
MOM: Anak, ok naman b yung bgo mong bf?DAUGHTER: opo ma! gwapo xa, di umiinom, d naninigarilyo & very understanding po ung asawa at mga anak nya.
-received Jan 29,2009 12:16pm
Mahal, d2 n q apt...sk8 ktawan...phinga muna..luv u...mwah2
-received Feb1, 2009 3:37pm
I know that there's a big chance that people don't understand me.
However...There's even a big chance that I don't care.
-received Feb 10,2009 5:47pm
Mahal hapi valentines,aLaByu...mwah2
-received Feb 14, 2009 12:10am
5 Principles in Planning for Living:
1.) Think Tomorrow. Don't forget thta tomorrow is connected 2 d end of today.
2.) Free up your imagination. Dream d impossible dream, think in large measures.
3.) Build for lasting quality. That's the attitude of giving your best.
4.) Stick to the task. Remember "Winners never quit, and quitters never win."
5.) Have fun. Enjoy what u're doing. Life is too short to be miserable.
Life is beautiful! Enjoy your journey! Stay happy!
-received March 9, 2009 10:43pm
Glit k? Sori na..
-received March 20,2009 12:07pm
Oki mahal..nmmiz kita...sna ktabi kta..gudnyt mahal..i luv u..
-received April 5,2009 5:58am (for documentation purposes only)
Ayykwa2 nman ang mahal q..kis lab2 q nlng yan..hmmmwah..relak lng mahal..we can make it..
-received April 7, 2009 5:17pm
Paalis kn mahal? sori n po..luv u
-received May 1, 2009 11:21pm
u shd nt b sorry or b cynical abt love.rather it shud make u wonder that if uv bn happy with d wrong one,how much more when d right one comes along.
-received May 6, 2009 2:23pm
"Nice memories have their own scent. Whenever you are veiled in its scent, your heart can always return to your unforgettable past. Together with your own scenery that will never fade."
-received May 11, 2009 7:38am
dnt cry over for sum1 hu dsnt dserve ur tears,remember...ang pinakamatinding pangaasar sa taong cnasktan ka ay ang matamiz mong mga ngiti ;)
-received May 11, 2009 11:45am
Love u chang thanx 4 d tym listenin s story ko at kgagahan ko. I rili learn my lesson.
-received May 16, 2009 6:58pm
Bobo na nanliligawBOBO: hindi naman totoo ung sinasabi nilang bobo ako e.
May laman ang utak ikaw un!
-received May 18, 2009 10:09pm
And2 n kmi s loob ng plane,mlapit n umalis.I'll kip u posted pag nkbalita aku fr Dmam,meanwhile, pagsikapan mo mkakuha ng clinical xperience s hosp.
-received May 28,2009 4:37pm
Mahal...sori ha...dmi qng problema kc..nwwala aq s srili...dp sumasangayon ang panahon..umuwi aq apt...mgppalaundry...paubos n rn lod q...luv uv.
-received May 31, 2009 5:43am
Sori kung maaraw jan at maulan d2 nung wikend...u make me feel n nidi k...alm q u olredi hav plans 4 us...wg k mgala2 tamad aq mghnap ng bagong syota at ayw q n mghanap ng bago..gus2 q rn kc msunod kung anu gus2 qng gwin...sori..
-received June 4, 2009 8:47am
BEFORE: Being single means that nobody wants you..but NOw:It means you're good looking, smart and you're just taking your time deciding how you want your life to be....and who you want to spend it with.
-received June 11, 2009 3:43pm
i miss u tiyahin ku!- jimrae
-received June 26, 2009 7:32pm
Mis u 2 nay!hehe.slip n me,an2k n un mganda. - mark garcia
-received June 27, 2009 10:04am
The hardships that you might be facing right now is just half of the amount of the hapiness that you will experience in return..Just believe.
-received July 1, 2009 2:59pm
A fall from the third floor hurts as much as a fall from the hundredth
Lesson: Give it all. It'll hurt just the same.
-received JUly 7, 2009 6:46pm
If u love someone u would be willing to give up everything for them..but if they love you, they would never ask u to.
-received JUly 17, 2009 3:39 pm
6pm gateway jul 25, kitakits tau. Lav u tol
-received JUly 19, 2009 12:59am
Look im sori,i rili am...mahal kta. ang 22o ngppkasama aq pra m2pad ng mga mgulang mo mga pangarap nila, nggng hadlang aq...halos lahat ng oras inuukol mo sken...nung tnanong kita kung anu ggwin mo pag nagloko aq ang sagot mo pu2nta k n ng ibang bansa, seneryoso q ung sagot,mhrap pero may tadhana, kung tau tlaga..drating ang panahon mgkksama tau...ayoko ng npakasaya q taz iiwan lng, mas mbuti kung iiwanan k muna taz s hulihan n ang kasiyahan, u take care.
-received July 27, 2009 6:35pm
Buong pgsa2ma ntin ikw ang inicp q, lahat para sau...alam qng hnd aq mgttgal s mundo, ayoko q lng alaminkc mppressure lng aq. Masaya aq pag nkkta ktang masaya...mhrap intindihin pero yan ang 22o, duwag qa oo, kc ayoko ng paikliin ang dating maikli na...
-received JUly 27,2009 6:45pm
Wag mong idisappoint mga magulang mo, ayokong kinakahiya nila ikw at c gio...ayokong iwan mo q,pro un mkkbuti sau,mgpakata2g k.
-received July 27,2009 6:49pm
hnd q nili2nis koncnxa q,sngot q lng mga tnong mo, hnd aq tinanggap ng mga magulang mo, kung nagsisi2 k mas ngsisi2 aq.
-received JUly 27, 2009 7:56pm
Sa tingin mo mdali sakin 2?..8s hell, mahal kta...if u cannot 4giv me, fine!
-received July 27, 2009 8:51pm
in love, you can't see the bad side of someone..that's the weird part of being in love,that sometimes even the "worst person" in this world can be the best person for your own mcpaul said.."love is not blind IT sees, but it does not mind."
-received JUly 28, 2009 11:35pm
Never luv f ur not prepared 2 b hurt,never start f u dnt hav plans 2 finish,never speak f u dnt mean it,MOst importantly,never use someone 2 move on.
-received July 29, 2009 9:13pm
"There will come a point in your life wen you'll get tired of chasing everyone, trying to fix's not giving up, it's just a realization that you don't need all those you went after,bcoz what you need are those who stood by you even if you never asked them to"
-received JUly 30, 2009 3:18pm
wag m xa ha2bulin sa2pakn kta.wag k manghnyang sa pnhon mo,bti n yang hbng maaga e nla2man nyo mga mali nyo.kesa nkatali kna tska m ppltn kumalas.lhat ng problema my solusyn.bnbgay syo yan pra ma22 ka.
-received Aug 1, 2009 12:41pm
Risks co-exist with opportunities. If you dont go after what you want, somebody else will. If you dont ask, then you will never know. If you dont step forward, you would always be in the same place. Only those who risk can tell how far they can go.
-received Aug 7, 2009 7:06am
Mare ppnta nk blagtas pra d n kyo mgintay...mis n kta e..antay k n ni nnay.
-received Aug 8, 2009 6:50pm
Anu k b. Nung isang gabi d ko rn nman ntapos ung mga task ko. Tnuloy ko lng d next day. Ggcng me ng maaga para sayo. Ora hanap me pc shop ngyn. Dnt wori il help u. Kw pah.
-received Aug 26, 2009 10:36 pm
Sori apol kasalanan ko nman,ngpabaya ak sa sarili,habulin k nman kau n gio.kung s panahonh un pwd kp.tnxt mmna kta bka mlasing aq ngyn mgdrama p ak.mahal n mahal kita philline.
-received Aug 28,2009 3:33pm
Ba2wi tlga kme syo n dj.LUv u lin2!
-received Aug 29, 2009 7:08pm
Lene,im sure plakda ka pa.cnt believe it's been 8 years!!!but it's amazing how nothing to have changed at all,laugh trip pa dn galore.i hope to c u again real soon.btw,i left some stuff 4u sa table.a bangle,pair of earrings and a silver time to wrap c u soon!
-received Aug 30, 2009 12:39pm
ingat!wg mxado pkabc..njoy lng mga bgay na nmiss moh gawin..
-received Sept 15, 2009 7:31pm
Posted by pilbag at 4:11 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Cool Lighter
I still have time to add this on. It is an amazingly cool lighter I discovered at the corner of Zobel and Dian street. I admit I'm being a dork. My brother said he found a lighter like this somewhere in Balic-balic. I was electrified to try it the first time.
It is literally run by electric energy. You just have to aim the end of the cigarette on the wire. when you push the button it will automatically light. Ang babaw ko talaga. Lighting a cigarette kasi one of my guilty pleasures. lol
Posted by pilbag at 3:48 PM 0 comments
Tired but Not Yet
I feel a little sad leaving work. I don't know if I should blame the last song that I heard on my way to work, or because I do not have enough rest. I can only live in the past when I used to sleep 9-12 hours a day. Loneliness will kick in when you are so stressed. I don't know if that is the reason behind this sadness.
Letting go of an easy work is not easy. Breaking a routine that has been running for a year is equally difficult. I start my day around 10pm. My clothes and shoes are already pre-picked before I sleep. After turning off the alarm, I'll jump directly into the steaming shower, put on some decent clothes and a little powder on the face to go with it. Then I'll walk pumping-adrenalin-fast to get to work on time. After work, I'll make plans or go straight to my boyfriend's apartment to have breakfast and rest. After a few hours, I'll go home, check out on my son and have dinner. Shifting schedule from 12-9am shift to 10-7am shift needs a lot of string pulling. What more for a total switch? The transition from night shift to day shift is exhausting. I now need to wake up around 4:30 am to prepare breakfast for myself. Thankful if there is still rice available from the night before. But if there isn't, then I'll have to work it out (Or I'll just stay at my apol's place the night before my duty, so he can prepare breakfast for me). I'll leave around 5:45 am hoping to arrive at work before my shift. At night, a cab will save your day. But during rush hours, when empty cabs are out of sight, you'll appreciate LRT and MRT's mercy.
It's still early to think about missing Ate Mai and Ate Kriz' (my seatmates) mommy talking. Along with, Nigel and Jojo's opera singing. I'm taking things on a daily basis. It's surprising that exhaustion heals. I'm not ready to leave yet.
Posted by pilbag at 3:13 PM 1 comments
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Hell Week
I started my orientation at St. Claire last tuesday. I came in late but just in time for the hospital tour. A nursing supervisor facilitated the tour. We were never orientated about the SOPs, the people we need to speak with when we have concerns, nothing about the training program itself. The 5 of us were just distributed on our corresponding floors to do our job. Then toxicity started. We had a hard time adjusting to the new environment. I was roaming around assuming I was doing the right thing.
Commuting was a struggle. Each day I was taking a different route. From St. Claire, I tried the pedicab-going-to-cash and carry-fairview bus route. They say it will pass Glorietta, from there I can ride the MRT going to Cubao. The jeepney ride going home. I also took the dian jeepney going to libertad way. From libertad, there were PUJs going to Sta.Cruz. And so I took the ride, head out at lawton. Rode an fx going to Araneta. Both of those routes use up 2 hours of my sleeping time. I am still not decided yet what is the best way to take going home. Going there, was an equal neck break. It's really hard to catch an empty cab during rush hours. So, I passed Guadalupe bridge walking. From there I rode a PUJ going to Taft. A passer-by told me it will pass Buendia. From there, I can take a dian jeepney passing St. Claire, I thought. I ended up lost pleading to get a cab. It was the most tiring morning. Hell, I hope it will not happen again. I discovered taking a Cartimar PUJ from Guada was the best course. It will pass Export bank and Cash N Carry. From there, I can just walk or take a pedicab ride going to the hospital.
Here's a photo of 2 of my co-trainees. They are very supportive about my adjustment.
Posted by pilbag at 11:14 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Love is blind

This was us 2 months ago when we celebrated his birthday in Sagada. He thanked me and Sagada wonderfully for making him happy during his birthday on his facebook wall. A week after that, he spent the weekend with his friends. Another week after that I went out with my friends, we fought. His insecurities soar. He broke up with me through txt. Brave, right?
Two weeks of silence passed, a common friend set up a rendezvous for us. He said he'll come for the opportunity to speak me but he chickened out. He backed out the next day. He said he does not have the face to show me anymore. I was fuming mad at him for being the chicken shit as always. I went to his place to confront him. But to my surprise, he's in his room with his friend/officemate/neighbor. Bad words were thrown in the air. We ended up hurting each other emotionally and physically. It was a terrible experience. They say everybody is entitled for a first shot. I got mine then. There was closure.
I celebrated my birthday two weeks after that. My family and I had a picnic in Tagaytay the day before my birthday. My good friend Charles and a couple of cousins were with me drinking during the salubong. The next day, I hit the road and fetched my bestfriend Marie in Pampanga. We went off to swimming and partying in La Union at the night of my birthday. The following day, we spent the whole afternoon with Marie's brother's family. He mixed some club songs for me as a birthday gift. Sunday night, we set off to Baguio to meet my cousin Mew. It was an overwhelmingly cheap but fun roadtrip. I gathered all my friends the following week and set up a house party. Liquors and cocktails were everywhere. We had so much fun.
Then, 5 days ago I was terrified by what I saw on my friend's post. It was a photo of my ex embracing the girl that I saw in his apartment when I confronted him. It was nerve-racking. I'm still disturbed by what I saw.

This is them now. 2 months after Sagada. 1 1/2 months after the break-up. I almost threw up when I saw these posted on fb. I was laughingly stunned. One of our common friends said "OMG! ___ What have you done to yourself?!" I heard this girl was speaking bad things about me in their office after the break-up and I did not even lifted a finger. My bestfriend told me "Kamuka nya ung girl na nag-alok ng 100 peso bj sken sa Cubao dati." Ofcourse he is just being rude. Now you've got your price. Susuntukin ka rin nyan paginatake yan ng moderate anxiety. I feel so sorry for myself but I pity them more. I don't have to elaborate his loss from our relationship. He could have been saved from his piteous future. I can just imagine him telling our friends "Wala kayong pakialam. Mahal ko xa!" Owkey. I could not describe how thankful I am for leaving such a no-brainer.
Posted by pilbag at 5:53 PM 0 comments
About Me
- pilbag
- Great talker. Laid back. Works hard but lays harder. Good cook. Unpredictable. Out-going. Loyal. Addictive. Cool but cruel. Crazy and beautiful. Often misunderstood. Knows how to please and appreciate. Compassionate. Born artist. Independent. Generous. Rare to find. Great when found.