When God made me experience a tough week, He did not allow a tough weekend come to pass. I was thinking of not going to my duty last Saturday, Sept. 26. The sky was dark. It was drizzling; I was just waiting for a sign. Unexpectedly, I received a txt message from my friend John, asking where I was. Without having to decide for anything, I asked him to meet me up. We decided to go to his place to spend some quality time. At around 10:30 am we got onto the bus going to Navotas. On the way I fell asleep, I did not realize the bus was travelling at a very slow speed. It suddenly stopped at the corner of Edsa and Ortigas, just infront of Robinson's Galeria. The flood was knee-deep. Walls broke down near the road. People were going out of the buses already to start walking in different directions. John was a bit panicky, he woke me up. We will drown ourselves if we will stay there, I thought. So we started walking with a sobering thought of how deep the flood was at the direction that we were heading. John and I were perked up from the adventure. We were even angrily criticized by a passer-by for laughing. When we reached Crame, the flood was thigh deep already. There were civilians assisting people to hold on to the rope tied to the post. We were soaking wet enthusiatic. People were going gaga climbing up the pick-up truck we noticed around the corner. John knew the idea sounded crazy, but it may be worth a try. We hang on in there while the truck was moving. John and I were smiling broadly at each other. We were dropped off at 15th avenue in Cubao. Thinking of picking up Kirstin, also stranded in Telus, John and I walked. We shopped at the near-by ukay ukay for some dry clothes. I was thinking of spending the night at a cheap hotel with John and Kirstin since there's no way for me to go home. My brother told me through text that the flood already reached the ceiling of our first floor moving up to the second. I was very confident that it will not reach the second floor. What I was worried about was their food. What if the rain continue to pour overnight? Do they have clean drinking water upstairs? Where is my father? When we reached Cubao, Kirstin haven't decided yet if she will come with us. So John and I went ahead and booked a room. I was horrified with the massive city-wide flood. The last time we encountered such disaster was a long time ago. And the flood did not reach above waist level.
These are the sites that hit me, when I walked along our subdivision going home:

Here's the front of our house.

People who are not used to this kind of tragedy were petrified. I was pretty blown away by the experience. Nevertheless, when I saw my family the day after I knew everything will be A-Ok. Our house was accustomed to abuse, despoil and ravish. It's also a place where fun starts. It was the ultimate tambayan when I was in high school. From people wearing elegant gowns to fortuneless relations entered our house. Been robbed, vomited, swamped, name it. I love our home. We gathered in my room upstairs laughing out shock sharing different stories. My brother Patrick was stranded at the Elco bldg 2nd floor. Their dean rode a floating device to give them food. He told us that the squatters near-by broke into the convenience store situated beside the hospital due to hunger. My father did not leave our van in Puregold. He stayed awake all night anxious. My brother Karlo was with our house help Jaycel and Gio inside the house when the water came in. It was rising one inch every minute. Good thing he managed to buoy up the sack of rice and other foodstuff. They were able to watch the most dragging scene. He told us neighbors surrounding us were calling out for help on his birthday. Yes, it was his birthday last Saturday I forgot to mention. I undertood his devastation.
Looking on the bright side. If our furnitures were saved, it will take a long time before that can be replaced. It actually came in the right timing. Our house was scheduled to be renovated this October or November. I was overwhelmed by the blessing. Though I feel really sorry for the people who lost their houses and other important belongings. Come to think of it; We should be greatful that we are still alive and fighting. I believe that everything happens for a reason. Lessons are usually anticipated during the aftermath.
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